I was a researcher at Sun Labs (Senior Staff then Distinguished Engineer and Research Director) and Oracle Labs (Research Director then Architect) from 1993--2022. This page collects random info from that era.


Here's my resume.

NVM/Persistence blog

Here's an archive of my blog posts on Medium about Non-volatile Memory and Persistence for Java, for alternative access.

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: The view from software

Part 3: Benefits and challenges of NVRAM

Part 4: Java and non-volatility

Somewhat tenuously related: Clonefiles (source code).

My patents

What do I actually do?

If you're a computer scientist (perhaps you came here via my job home page), I want you to know about (and, ideally, read) this book:

Every CS person should read it. I don't expect anyone to agree with all of it (I certainly don't) but everybody should know about the subject matter and form their own opinion. Before doing that, however, you should ponder the following three questions posed by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1986 and answer them truthfully:

  1. What do I actually do?
  2. What is the final application and use of my work?
  3. Am I content or ashamed to have contributed to this use?
We should all re-visit these questions regularly. Here's a full-page PDF of the questions; I invite you to print it out and pin it up in your workplace.